Shopify App Artwork Swapper Automation
Many of you have seen the content recently about the Artwork Swapper. Many of you have even started creating your own products and are hopefully finding success with them.
We have been working hard at improving the process of how this works. You may be aware ShineOn partnered with the Product Personalizer app to allow for message cards to be edited by customers and have them see it in real-time.
Well, another awesome feature of the Product Personalizer app is that it takes that live edited message card and creates a .png. We have gone ahead and built into our system a way that we are able to go in and grab that image that is created and automatically move the order straight into production.
For many people, this is super helpful and eases their time on having to watch their orders and go in and approve the artwork, and move the order on to production. So as default now if you are using Product Personalizer with an artwork swapper product we will do this automation for you.
There are some of you however that doesn't need this automation as you are creating a product that requires you to do some sort of customization on your artwork. We don't want to take product personalizer away from you, so we have built-in a new feature that allows you to disable the artwork swapper automation.
This should help to really open up the artwork swapper feature and product personalizer app, and allow you to create any combination of designs.